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Parent Forum

At Chamberlayne, it is important to us to listen to the views of our parents and carers when we plan and implement ideas for continual school improvements. As such, we hold regular parent forums. A parent forum is where small groups of parents are able to meet in an informal setting with the Headteacher to share thoughts and ideas that will help ensure the very best outcomes for our students. There are also often biscuits :-)


All parents and carers of students at Chamberlayne are automatically members of our parent forum. This does not mean you will ever be obliged to attend a parent forum meeting if you would prefer not to, but it does mean that you are welcome to attend should you so wish.


While we encourage constructive, collaborative comment, parent forums are not the place to raise individual or specific concerns or complaints regarding students or staff. If you have a specific concern it is important that you raise this with your Head of Year who will be happy to direct you.


Our parent forums meet at least termly. Details of our next parent forum will soon be uploaded onto the sign up form below.  


While all parents are invited, we are limited to the number of parents that can attend each forum. Once you have got in touch, we will advise you whether or not you have secured a space on the forum that you have expressed an interest in attending.


You are welcome to attend forums regularly or just once – signing up to one forum does not commit you indefinitely.


If you have any further queries, or are unable to access the online registration form, please contact us and we will make sure you are directed to someone who can answer your questions.


We look forward to welcoming you, and to listening to your thoughts and ideas.

Parent Forum Registration Form

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