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Rewards Procedure 

Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to give clear guidelines on how we celebrate success at Chamberlayne College for the Arts. The procedure is designed to create a culture of success through the positive application of the LORIC strands.

Verbal Praise 

Staff verbally acknowledge positive behaviour, acts of kindness or positive examples of work/effort in class. Specific reference to the Chamberlayne Values (LORIC).

Private Individual Praise – Walk to the student and whisper the praise “I like the detail you have given for question 1”


Epraise Points

Log onto Epraise and issue points based on LORIC skills, homework or exceptional work within lessons.

Students are explicitly informed of Epraise points that are awarded.

Rewards notice board is updated weekly by the HoCC

Positive Texts/Phone Calls

​Contact home made in recognition for a piece of work, increased effort/success within a lesson, display of LORIC values or going above and beyond.

Head of Character and Culture Recognition 

The Head of Character and Culture team meet every Friday to send a positive email home to the top 3 students in their year group who achieve the most Epraise points for the week.

Going Above and Beyond

Staff nominate students who have gone above and beyond during the week.


Mr Giles picks a winner and a personalised email/letter will go home to parents in recognition of the achievement.

Head of Character & Culture Student of the Month

Identified at the end of every month, Head of Character & Culture nominate one student per year group. Attendance, Behaviour, Epraise and display of LORIC skills are all taken into account.

Head of Character & Culture place winners name for each year group on the Rewards Notice Board. Winners also announced in Assemblies.

Subject/LORIC Badge

Co-ordinated by Mrs Smart who asks departments to Identify & nominate students for subject and LORIC. These are for excellence in subjects and displays of LORIC Values. Rewards given out in the Rewards Assembly at the end of term.

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Star Trekking

Staff members who are on duty for Lesson Visits, visit lessons ask teaching staff to nominate students who have gone above and beyond in a lesson. Their name is then entered into a prize draw. Winner announced at the Rewards Assembly.

Character & Culture Card

Students have a Character & Culture card that celebrates positive displays of LORIC outside the classroom. Staff sign the card using their initials when a student is rewarded. One tick is equal to one Epraise point.

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